Banzai Celebrates You! | Orlando Customer Dinner

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Live Events

We're hosting a dinner celebrating you, a Banzai customer, for your loyalty and support over the years.
Welcoming all of Banzai’s local customers to attend this special appreciation dinner in honor of their achievements using Demio, Reach, and OpenReel over the years.
We’ll treat you to a five-star meal and drinks accompanied by a casual roundtable discussion of your peers’ greatest professional accomplishment, product feedback, and what’s to come for Banzai. Enjoy a party thrown in your honor and meet some fellow local professionals!

Tiara Yracheta-Udziela
Field & Customer Marketing Manager
Tiara is a seasoned marketing professional recognized by her peers as a top NRR influencer, guided by a passion for driving engagement and fostering authentic brand loyalty. As Banzai’s Customer Marketing Manager, Tiara is motivated by a “10,000 years” outlook to enable her customers with the strategies and tools they need to grow their impact and see long-term success.
Tony Purstell
Account Executive
Filling your events with high-quality senior leaders you normally have trouble meeting with.