Henry's Journey

The search for belonging begins...
#banzai #makemarketinghuman #henrysbanzaijourney

Henry's search for home

Meet Henry the Hum(an).

He thinks he’s a human. He’s not.

He loves Taylor Swift. And ice cream.

He’s on a search for a new home. Join us on his search.

Henry's search for a home: house 1

Henry thinks perfection in real life is boring. That's what autocorrect is for.

Henry's search for a home: house 2

Henry knows there is more to life than results. Like Taylor Swift.

Henry's search for a home: house 3

The only robot Henry cares about is the robot dance.

Henry's search for a home: Banzai House

Welcome home, Henry.

Henry has found his home but his journey never ends. Look for Henry's hum on other pages.