2024 Webinar Statistics Report

Transform Cold Leads into Engaged Buyers

Get your content in front of your target audience, and leverage deep analytics and insights to drive marketing decisions.
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Real World Results from Marketers Like You



Nutshell Case Study



Tinuiti Case Study


Attendance Rate

TeamGantt Case Study


First Event
Set Up

Qvalia Case Study

Unify your webinar data

Say goodbye to scattered and disjointed webinar targeting and engagement data. With Banzai, the three most important parts of your webinar marketing campaign, Targeting, Engaging, and Measuring, are unified to reveal the insights needed to make better marketing decisions.

Book a Demo

Marketing Tools for Data-Driven Marketers

Banzai Reach Logo

Content Engagement from Your ICP

Because identifying your target audience is easy, but reaching them is hard.

Leverage Reach's Audience AI to access your ideal audience

Target and invite the right people to take action on your content

Target and invite the right people to take action on your content

Invite your qualified audience to download your white paper, take your survey, attend your event, subscribe to your newsletter, and more.

Reach event registrants

Prove Webinar Success

Create engaging on-demand and live video experiences with webinar analytics that unlock insights

Invite audience participation

Integrate Demio’s data with your tech stack

Turn engagement into data analytics

Make your brand memorable

Identify who was most focused

Expand Audience Reach & Event Registrations

Through automated social proof and word of mouth, your registrants become your promoters – amplifying your message, and boosting your results

Customize promotional content

Reward your promoters for earned registrations 

See the channels driving the most registrations 

Identify who your top promoters are


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